Our Target
The Sustainable Development Goals are broad and ambitious callings by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. WeCreate Studio strives to work towards sustainable developments (SDG 11) and believes in collaborative efforts in our projects (SDG 17).

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
We are committed to make spaces more sustainable whereby we constantly strive to propose design solutions that use locally-sourced materials, allowing for accessible maintenance. This is aligned with our belief that to make good spaces, it is necessary to engage the community in the various stages of the project as co-designers.

SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals
We seek to partner with different enterprises, communities and individuals with similar missions to enhance the SDG capacity in developing communities and countries. While these interventions are small, their contribution is mighty as they shape and re-shape our values.

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation
All our proposals aims to create opportunities by reducing poverty, providing quality education, while providing clean water and sanitation as part of our strategies.
Memberships and Accreditations

Our Clients
Mon National Health Commitee